Perfect Circle
Photo © Ally Cunningham


Perfect Circle
For Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov
In Memorian: Sergei Mikhallovich Grinkov (1967-1995)
©Christine Syau Yuen Belcher

Two figures kneel on the ice
One protects the other
He is handsome and strong
She is tiny and ethereal

Gliding effortessly
Propelled by silver steel
Two skate as one
Hearts even beat together

Spinning and spiraling
Leaping in defiance of gravity

One look, one touch
Transcends this plane

He suddenly slips away
She reaches out
But he must leave

With courage,
She skates alone
Yet his spirit remains
Giving her strength

Around her neck is a chain
With her husband's wedding band

This symbol of forever
Sergei always holding Katia's hand




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